Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Type. Type. And more type. (Part 1)

Old Style - (also called Gerald)
Old style is considered a warm or friendly font, and the main characteristic is the low contrast with diagonal stress
-Established in 1475
-based on handwriting
- shorter x-height
Examples: Bembo, Caslon, Garamond, Jensen, Palatino

Transitional - a refinement of Old Style forms. Forms the transition between Renaissance Old Style and Modern Typefaces.
- Established in 1750
- very slight diagonal stress
- bracketed serifs
Examples: Baskerville, Caslon, Perpetua, Times New Roman, Bell

Modern - (also known as Didone)
Arose with the distribution of copper and steel engraving techniques. The appearance is technical exact.
- established in 1775
- extreme contrast between thick and thin strokes
- no horizontal stress
Examples: Bodoni, Bauer Bodoni, Walbaum

Slab Serif - (also called square serif or egyptian)
designed to attract attention.
- established in early 1800's
- mono weight
- square ended serifs
Examples: Serifa, Rockwell, Memphis Clarendon, New Century Schoolbook

Sans Serif -
many types... Influenced by the Bauhaus Movement
- geometric - circular or geometric letters
examples: Futura, Foilio, Gotham, Avant Garde
- humanistic - more graceful, human appearance
examples: Gill Sans, Frutiger, Meta
- grotesque or grotesk - uniform
examples: Akzidenz Grotesk, Franklin Gothic, Univers, Helvetica

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